DEKS was established in 1996 and led by Adam Uldall, after being a part of ”Analysekvalitetsudvalget (AKU)” under Dansk Selskab for Klinisk Kemi. AKU was transferred to Københavns Amt, Amtssygehuset in Herlev under the name ”Dansk Institut for Ekstern Kvalitetssikring i Sygehuslaboratorier” colloquially DEKS.
DEKS was physically located at Herlev Hospital until 2013, when DEKS was moved to Glostrup Hospital to be transferred to Rigshospitalet in the merger between Glostrup Hospital and Rigshospitalet in 2016. DEKS has however stayed that the Glostrup site where we still reside today.
DEKS Users’ Meeting
Over the years many Users’ Meetings have been held. The first was held in 1996 at Skejby Universitetshospital. The following years the Users’ Meetings were held at Herlev Amtssygehus and in 1998 again at Skejby. DEKS Users’ Meetings were popular and attracted many participants. In 1999 it was therefore decided that the Users’ Meetings should be held at conference centres. The first year in the middle of the country in Odense, but later we have also visited Kolding, Århus, Esbjerg and Copenhagen. DEKS has also held Users’ Meetings in cooperation with others; the Users’ Meeting in 2011 was a Nordic meeting called ”NML-kongres og DEKS Brugermøde”, which came about in cooperation with Laboratoriemedicinsk Selskab for Bioanalytikere (LSB) and Danske Bioanalytikere (dbio). DEKS Users’ Meeting in 2014 was held together with LSB’s 9th conference and in parallel with the exhibition Copenhagen LabMed in Lokomotivværkstedet in Copenhagen.